© Copyright – Gaspard Louane 2023
(text by Tania di Brita)
What all artist of Made in Switzerland have in common is their connection to Switzerland. All of them draw their inspiration from the divers cultural heritage of this tiny country but very rich in its origins and culture.
The exhibition collaboration between Jedlitschka and Kolly Gallery represents a unique and underrated topic in the Swiss artistic landscape. Besides of putting the spotlight on Switzerland, the galleries aim to highlight an intergenerational dialogue. The artists are from two different generations and well spread around Switzerland namely St. Gallen, Bern and Fribourg. Each of them has their own topic of interest and a very unique style.
The participating artists are: Andreas Herren, Gaspard Louane, Francesco Bonnano and Lisa Hansen
Made In Switzerland
Host: Kolly Gallery
Dates: 23.08.2022 – 24.09.2022
Place: Zurich, Switzerland
Type: Group show
Year: 2022
Technique: Acrylic and glow in the dark paint on canvas
Switzerland is Louane’s main topic of his creative practice since multiple years. He es- pecially discovered this interest when realising that he did not know too much of his home country. He aims to breaking up existing barriers such as “the countryside versus the city”, the “Röstigraben” between the German and French speaking population and political opinions, thus open up discussions how to create better together in putting forward local references and native traditions
To find out more about the works presented and/or still available, please contact the gallery.